Vol.5 No.3
- Vol.5 No.3
- Published:2013
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Poetry, Poetics and the Senses: An Interview with Prof. Susan Stewart
Ezra Pound’s Ekphrastic Principle of Stillness
Manifestation of Barthes’ “Death of the Author” in Sepehri’s Poetry
Commercial Symbol and Consumption Ethics in the Poetry of Philip Larkin
The Transitional Self and Tertium Quid in Theresa Cha’s Dictee
Figuring Modernity: Four Types of Women Images in Chinese Women Writing
The Dislocation of Identity and an Elegy for Empire: E. M. Forster and His A Passage to India
The Idea of Love and Marriage in Book of the Duchesse
The Ethical Confusion and Choices in Blueprint
Humboldt’s Gift: Urban Archaeology, Inhabitants’ Memory and Urban Sentiment
A General Review of Charles Johnson Scholarship in the West
A Review of Ethical Literary Criticism of Faulkner’s Novels
Absurd and Its Transcendence: A Review of Black Humor and the Tradition of Humor in American Fiction
A Book as a Cross-cultural Landscape: A Review of Kenneth Rexroth and Chinese Culture
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