Vol.12 No.1
- Vol.12 No.1
- Published:2020
- ISSN :1949-8519
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The Poetics of Artificial Intelligence and Posthumanism
Theoretical and Literary Discourses and the Problem of Literary Style
Nostalgia in Autobiographies: Close Reading of Banine’s Life-Writing
Acculturation of an Immigrant Family with Pakistani Heritage in the Post 9/11 United States
Alice Walker Defies Mainstream History: Meridian and Historiographic Metafiction
Mumbo Jumbo as a Counter-Ideological Novel: An Anti-Althusserian Reading
Different Worldviews, Different World Literatures? The Contrasting Chronotopes of Ethnic Detective Fiction in Pasado Perfecto and The Beggar’s Opera
Alameddine’s Appropriation of Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Symbolism and the Alienation of the Artist in A Hunger Artist
Analysis of Literary Techniques Employed in The Revelation: Flashback in Focus
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