Vol.12 No.3
- Vol.12 No.3
- Published:2020
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Expressions of Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism in Latvian Modernist Prose (1930s)
Collapse of Latvian National Identity and Construction of Soviet Latvian Identity: Literary Journal “Soviet Latvia” (1940-1941)
Peculiarities of Actualizing the Subject of Festivities in Latgalian Poetry of Exile
Four Distinctive Features in the Early Dawn of Vernacular Spanish Poetics: Between Classical Influence and the Italian Style Ruling
Intertextual Reflections on Nature and Solitude in Alexander Pope’s “Ode on Solitude”: An Islamic Perspective
Humanitarianism of Rabindranath Tagore: Human Love and the Philosophy of Men of Action
Antigone on the Syrian Stage
Ibsen in Modern Arabic Drama and Theater
Symbiosis of Women and Nature: An Ecofeministic Study of Indigenous Women in Doris Pilkington’s Under the Wintamarra Tree
When British and Arab Novelists Teach Feminism: A Comparative Reading of Wollstonecraft and El Saadawi’s Views
Epistemological Postmodern Science in Tom Stoppard’s Hapgood and Arcadia Through a Lyotardian Perspective
Minority Discourse: A Concave View of Hybridity in Ayad Akhtar’s American Dervish
Richard Wagner vs Klaus Mann: An Artist-Man Image in the Context of the Faustian Theme in Mephisto
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