Vol.12 No.4
- Vol.12 No.4
- Published:2020
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Words, Images, and the Body: Memory Media and Ethical Predicaments in Middle C and The Piano Lesson
Against the Aphanisis of the Subject: Rewriting the Myth of Black Woman in Grace Nichols’s The Fat Black Woman’s Poems
The Battered Hearts that Throb in Agony: Environmental Pollution in Ojaide’s The Activist
Plant Writings in Eudora Welty’s Early Works: A New Materialist Approach
Self-Differentiation and the Marginalized Idol of Love in Patrick Süskind’s Perfume
Group and Female Solidarity: Humor in Funny in Farsi
Epistemological Approach to Understand Religious Principles in Serat Wedhatama
Textured Understanding of the Xix Century US Missionary Enterprise in the East
Incompleteness in French Literature in the Past Century
The Posthumanist Methodology in Literary Criticism
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