Vol.14, No.3
- Vol.14, No.3
- Published:2022
- ISSN :1949-8519
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“Obscure” Life under the Deviation of Ethical Identity: Jude the Obscure in the Perspective of Ethical Literary Criticism
Narrative Aspects in the Dramatic Monologue
“Thing” Narrative in The Portrait of a Lady
Narrative Transculturation in Legends of Guatemala
Idyllic and Chaotic Chronotopes as Spatiotemporal Basis of The Squabble by N. Gogol
Socio-Political Realities in Modern Yemeni Short Story: A Critique of Mohammad Abdul-Wali’s Short Stories
osmopolitanism in James Clarence Mangan’s Prose
The Courier of the Human Spirit: Song Zhaolin’s Literary Translation and His Academic Contributions
From Kafkaesque to Orwellian in Postcolonial India: Neo-Mccarthyistic Methodology in The Curious Case of Binayak Sen
The Historical Antecedents of the Ikemefuna Story in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart
Chinese-Western Double Aesthetic Perspectives: A Review of British Formalist Aesthetics and Its Literary Writing Practice
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Chinese-Western Double Aesthetic Perspectives: A Review of British Formalist Aes
The Historical Antecedents of the Ikemefuna Story in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fal
From Kafkaesque to Orwellian in Postcolonial India: Neo-Mccarthyistic Methodolog
The Courier of the Human Spirit: Song Zhaolin’s Literary Translation and His Ac