Vol.14, No.2
- Vol.14, No.2
- Published:2022
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Ethical Dilemma and Ethical Choice in D. H. Lawrence’s The Trespasser
On the Verge of Moral and Spiritual Collapse: Challenges of a Post-truth World and Hyperreality in Salman Rushdie’s Quichotte
Ethical Dilemma and Redemption in Toni Morrison’s Paradise
Sameul Beckett’s Vladimir and Estragon in Waiting For Godot as the Representation of Humanity in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Contesting Gender Aesthetics: A Feminocentric Approach to Crime Writing in Select Novels of Kishwar Desai
Through the Lens of Cosmic Satire: Attacking the Human Condition in Selected Poems by Dorothy Parker
The Importance of the Iconic Poetics: Based on the Works of N.V. Gogol and F.M. Dostoyevsky
Tracing the Development of Capitalism across South Asian Writings
Classics of World Literature: The Cultural Capital for Animated Adaptations
Terry Pratchett in Russia
Ukrainian Modernist Drama in the European Context
Text-Image Theory: A New Approach to Literary Semiotics
Modern and Contemporary British Diasporic Literature’s Part in the Construction of the British National Identity: A Review of From Rudyard Kipling to Zadie Smith: A Study of Modern and Contemporary British Diasporic Literature
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