Vol.13 No.4
- Vol.13 No.4
- Published:2021
- ISSN :1949-8519
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Re-visiting History and Culture in Latvian Literature: An Introduction Ilze Kacane
Urban vs Rural in Latvian Fiction of the Early Twentieth Century: Antons Austriņš
What They Laugh at in The Town of N: Laughing Situations in L. Dobychin’s Prose
Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism in Latvian Press of Soviet Latvia: Reflections on the Detachment of Art from Life
Sources for the History of Mentality: Latvian Folk Anecdotes of the 19 th – Early 20 th Centuries
Semantics of Religious Festivals in Latvian Childhood Memories in the 20 th Century
The “Alien” within “One’s Own” in the Twenty-first Century Latvian Literature: On the Material of Dace Rukšāne’s Novel Russian Skin
Translation Reception of Matter-of-Fact Romance by Charles Reade in Russia in 1850–60s
Bilingualism and the Figures of Postcolonial Speech: Cultural Transfers of Modern Ukrainian Prose
Material Objects as Promoters of a Resistant Subjectivity: The Creation of an Alternative Space in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s “Imitation”
Transductive Convergence of Digital Humanities/Trans Media Art/World Literature
Neocolonizing The Nation: American Pop Culture and Saudi Television
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Neocolonizing The Nation: American Pop Culture and Saudi Television
Transductive Convergence of Digital Humanities/Trans Media Art/World Literature
Material Objects as Promoters of a Resistant Subjectivity: The Creation of an Al
Bilingualism and the Figures of Postcolonial Speech: Cultural Transfers of Moder
Translation Reception of Matter-of-Fact Romance by Charles Reade in Russia in 18